The School of Positive Psychology

Positive Leadership Masterclass

Positive Leadership Masterclass
Leaders influence 70% of employees’ Engagement and Performance.
But only 1 in 4 leaders do this well. This is why we need more deeply human leaders.
In a highly disrupted world, we now face challenges that can only be mastered through distinctly human leadership. To motivate employees and enable organisations to shift from merely surviving to sustainably thriving in this new normal, there is a need to solve problems and create new strategies from a human angle.
Leaders have the opportunity to be the multipliers of their people’s capacities and activate the energy and organisational climate that is needed for this crucial shift. But do you know how to do so?
This masterclass series go straight to the core of what make leaders impactful. We focus on practical high challenge and high support methods that you can immediately bring into your leadership practice.
The Positive Leadership Masterclasses are designed to enable you as a leader, to be a multiplier of your team’s capacities. We equip you with methods and impactful capabilities that you can use to positively influence and lead your team or projects.
Who is it for?
Learning approach:
The masterclasses are based on the newest evidence and interventions from social-, behavioural and positive psychology and are structured to be effective learning bursts for your career.
The sessions are intense, interactive and a forum for you and fellow leaders to experiment, learn together and immediately upgrade your leadership.
Learning approach:
  1. Practical learnings on leadership and self that are immediately applicable in the daily practice.
  2. Adoption of a Growth Mindset to constructively create your personal leadership approach.
  3. Ability to activate your team to thrive, perform and be successful.
  4. Ability to foster psychological safety and engagement in the team.
Format of class:
This Masterclass series is designed for the busy executive in mind, to be conducted online as well as with the option to take individual sessions. However, we would recommend signing up for the full series for the best learning experience.

A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader. A great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt

Positive Leadership Masterclass
About the trainer: Henrik Kofod-Hansen
Henrik Kofod-Hansen
Henrik Kofod-Hansen
Positive Leadership Trainer, The School of Positive Psychology
Henrik Kofod-Hansen has more than 20 years of experience as a corporate executive and senior leader in Asia and Europe, during which he experienced the insufficiency of traditional company cultures, leadership, and development strategies. To enable better leadership and organisational thriving, he dedicated himself to utilising the science and interventions within Positive Organisational Psychology to enable better leadership and organisational thriving. Henrik holds an MSc of Applied Positive Psychology and advanced degrees in Organisational Psychology & Leadership, as well as in Psychotherapy and Counselling. He is an experienced and trained Co-active® coach, and an Organisational Relationship Systems Coach®.
Register for Positive Leadership Masterclasses now on eventbrite, or with the form below!
For enquiries, please contact us:

"One year from now, you’ll wish you started today."

  • Date : October 20, 2021 - November 24, 2021
  • Time : 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm (UTC+8)
  • Reg. Deadline : October 19, 2021 12:00 am
  • Venue : TSPP

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