The School of Positive Psychology

Simply Better Sessions: Learn The Art Of Saying No

Simply Better Sessions: Learn The Art Of Saying No
How can we reject others without feeling guilty? Sometimes, saying “no” to people and opportunities may seem like such a difficult task. Instead of rejecting directly and politely, some of us may feel guilty, overcompensating with unnecessary justifications and white lies as to why we have to turn down an offer.
How exactly can we be assertive without appearing aggressive? Are there moments where saying “No” is inappropriate?
In our brand-new chapter of Simply Better Sessions, Jade Seah, Positive Psychology Practitioner and Stephen Lew, Positive Psychology Coach will explore with participants how we can effectively Learn the art of saying NO.
A collaboration between The School of Positive Psychology and Wonder & Wellness, Simply Better Sessions is a monthly series of intimate workshops aimed at boosting the wellbeing of individuals and communities.
*Date subject to change at TSPP’s discretion.

"One year from now, you’ll wish you started today."


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  • Date : July 22, 2021
  • Time : 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm (UTC+8)
  • Reg. Deadline : July 21, 2021 12:00 am
  • Venue : 61 Stamford Road #01-09 Stamford Court Singapore 178892
  • Venue : TSPP

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$ 37.45
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