The School of Positive Psychology

Staying Mentally Healthy In Singapore: Positive Psychology Talk + Course Preview

Staying Mentally Healthy In Singapore: Positive Psychology Talk + Course Preview
In Singapore’s fast-paced and high pressure environment, carving out space for mental wellbeing may seem like a daunting task.
However, having an understanding of our unique cultural context and factors that influence our overall wellbeing can help us choose the most relevant and effective actions.
In this talk + course preview, Positive Psychology lecturer Jana Dawson shares a number of wellbeing strategies that have been tried and tested in the local context.
Join us in this session, where you will:
  1. Gain an overview of common obstacles to wellbeing in Singapore
  2. Learn about Positive Psychology Interventions that have been effectively used in the local context
  3. Gain a deeper understanding of how Positive Psychology can improve wellbeing for self and others
The talk will be followed by the Course Preview of Positive Psychology programmes.
What is the Course Preview about?
This is an opportunity for anyone interested in TSPP’s courses to learn more about the course structure, career pathways and entry requirements.
After a presentation by our consultant, attendees will be able to participate in a Q&A session, and learn more about admissions procedures.
15 Feb 2022 (Tue)
Online Zoom event:
After registration, participants will be sent a link to join the course preview.
Our Positive Psychology Courses:
About the Speaker: Jana Dawson
Event - Jana Dawson
Jana Dawson
Jana’s multidisciplinary background in organisational and intercultural communication, positive psychology, coaching and mindfulness has fashioned her expertise in developing and delivering evidence based, culturally applicable programmes in numerous organisational contexts.
As a positive psychology practitioner, Jana is an advocate of a strengths-based approach in guiding individuals, teams and organisations to develop positive behaviours that cultivate resilient and flourishing organisations.
We welcome everyone who is interested in psychology, positivity, or helping to bring out the best in others to join us for this course preview.
If you would like to know more about Positive Psychology and Psychotherapy programmes or the preview, fill in the registration form below or contact us at

"One year from now, you’ll wish you started today."

  • Date : February 15, 2022
  • Time : 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm (UTC+8)
  • Reg. Deadline : February 15, 2022 12:00 am
  • Venue : Zoom

Registration Deadline Expired!!

[Note: This event will be held on zoom. Attendee will get zoom meeting URL through email]