The School of Positive Psychology

Stronger Together Networking Series (Dec)

Stronger Together Networking Series
Having strong social networks not only helps with increasing our current resilience levels, but it also builds resources that we can use in the future. Reliable social connections are the strongest indicators of our wellbeing and flourishing.
In recognising the importance of quality connections, The School of Positive Psychology has initiated Stronger Together, a wellbeing networking session held every third Thursday of the month for likeminded individuals.
This month, our discussion will revolve around How to Nurture Realistic Optimism The complimentary session will combine elements of a workshop, discussion forum, and positive psychology interventions. Through identifying common difficulties, we will then share different strategies to generate even better ways to thrive.
People have an enormous capacity to collaborate, create, innovate, and help each other. And together, we are resilient. Through meaningful discussion, we can support each other by building networks, individual and collective goals.
Let’s gather to share positive psychology principles and practices, and forge connections with fellow wellbeing advocates!

"One year from now, you’ll wish you started today."


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Limit per submission: 1

RSVP Attendees

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  • Date : December 16, 2021
  • Time : 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm (UTC+8)
  • Reg. Deadline : December 16, 2021 12:00 am
  • Venue : Array

Purchase Ticket

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[Note: This event will be held on zoom. Attendee will get zoom meeting URL through email]